Now for all the available play things for this session

Soil (Like mud that Jesus used to put on the blind man's eyes- emphasise importance of NOT putting our eyes)
Magnifying glasses added so that we could look carefully for what was hidden in the soil...

And plastic bugs.

Tactile matching activity, played by Looking for the correct pieces to match or feeling as a blind person may.
Then there were several toys that had visual appeal, including this beautiful kaleidoscope mirror (again another must have)

A wonderful tube kaleidoscope similar to this

A regular kaleidoscope

Colour panels to put over face and see the world in rainbow colours.

A light box, (this didn't go down so well this week the room was far too light from sun flooding in) with these resources....

Colour sensory blocks (again an absolute favourite)
You may have noticed that most of todays photos were from Google Images, I just didn't get around to photographing my resources