Monday 10 March 2014

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

Continuing with our Bible Super heroes, this week we had three superheroes; Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. 

We introduced the session with a clip from Bolt the movie, the clip when Bolt rescues Penny from the fire, introducing Bolt using super bark (or something like that) power to rescue his friend and God using an angel to rescue his friends.

Unfortunately I don't have photos of all the activities of the groups, but a few to get an idea. 

Each group had props to tell the story that were similar to this.

The three to four year olds had the following play experiences to support the story:
 Red and Yellow sensory items to talk about the colours of fire.

 Gold and silver sensory materials to support talking about a golden statue.
 They also had yellow and red play dough that was presented with wooden people, to talk about people in the fire.

The four - six year olds also had play dough as above, and a fire station complete with wooden fire blocks.

The oldest group (rising 7-11) discussed the super powers of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, which we decided were

  • Bravery
  • Trusting God
  • Faith
  • Standing up for God
We discussed whether we had ever had to stand up for God, and how we had done this or challenges with this. We had a great and very mature discussion about this. 

Paper plate fiery furnaces. This was an option for the under sixes and for the three and four year olds it was their only "craft" option but the play responses remained (which was the case for the four - six year olds)

 Fiery furnace stained glass window (with sticky backed plastic)


Fiery furnace bottles, this was a really popular craft activity with the eldest group (rising 7 - 11) and they were really enthusiastic about it. The word stickers were found on their request to relate to the super hero powers we had discussed when reviewing the story.

There was also the option of drawing/ writing words about the story on a red bauble.

We finished with the two oldest groups playing with a parachute

  • Mushroom- but we were in the fiery furnace
  • Fruit salad with the words "Fire" "Gold" "King" and for fruit salad the words "Trust God" (children's idea)


  1. This is one of my favorite bible stories, love your ideas for activities to go with this story!

  2. Can you specify about the fiery furnace bottles? Did kids draw the three men on the outside and fill it up with tissue paper scraps? Thanks!
