Today's session with lovely 3-4 year olds was on prayer but namely "The Lord's Prayer" So I had a nice book, which I used but I needed something for the children to actually get to grips with the prayer. So cue, Godly play inspired session (what a surprise!) I googled, but the two versions I came up with were not at all what I would have done but here's my version.
Hallowed by your name (move hands over fabric)
Your kingdom come (place crown half on half off white fabric)
Lead us not into temptation (place two pieces of felt one short straight black, one longer wiggly white strips, as path. Move sand cast foot between two paths then choose white. You could use a little person instead)
Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (Place globe above crown also half on half off white fabric)
Give us this day our daily bread (place piece of bread on fabric)
Forgive us our sins (place black felt heart on fabric, have a sad face)
As we forgive those who sin against us (Place a sculpture of two people together on top of heart)
The kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen (Place the candle down, light optionally or use a battery operated candle)
I then pointed to each part of the strip saying this part is saying "thank you" "please" "sorry" to lead us to next section. We could have done usual wondering and I had planned to do "what is your best part? but I felt on this occasion best not to, as I planned to pray for sometime with the children and attention only goes so far at this age.
Having said that, oh my goodness the children were AMAZING watching the prayer. Absoloutly transfixed, made me rather emotional.
We went on to do our own prayers, but before that we learnt The Lord's prayer with "simple" signs (makaton/ bsl) with a bit of creative licence on meanings