Large play scene for Moses in Bullrushes.
(This term for the younger groups, under 7's I'm attempting to use both large dolls for the stories which is something I made for Holiday Club and worked very well, as well as using Godly Play (People of God) and small scale wooden models in sand). For this session all play resources were available at all times alongside craft materials.
The story was told first (this is not always the format of a session it depends upon the dynamics of the grouping) After the story, and a short time of wondering (which actually occurred naturally during the story as well) and then a snack (of jelly babies on biscuits and milk bottles)
After the story play options were pointed out and what craft materials were available and a few ideas about what they may make without direction e.g. "what do you think you could make?"
A basket for baby Moses (the first one created with much concentration - pipe cleaners were requested in addition to what was available)
Another basket for baby Moses
A basket with Moses inside
A different take on Moses transport a boat instead of a basket (again much concentration)
The children agreed that more clay was defiantly needed.
Sock babies, really enthusiastically received by the girls. Was rather prescriptive craft and needed support but prompted lots of play afterwards. The older group 7+ got very creative with their sock Moses!

Not from this session but a previous Moses session - Milk bottle tops with Moses drawn on and floating - the children enjoyed playing with this.
Ideas Sheet for Exodus 2
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