We have come to the end of our "under the sea" theme of junior/ children's church. It has been a really engaging theme and all children seemed to enjoy, and certainly was a fun theme to plan for stories and activities. (I may do a recap in the week)
So today we did Jesus Calms the Storm, and here is a run down of the activities/ areas available.
We try to be as inclusive as possible and offer opportunities for all children what ever their needs/ learning styles are (choosing activities to meet the needs of those attending or may attend). So today we set up a sea themed sensory room complete with sea ambient music (iPhone app)
fish bubble tube, fibre optics
fibre optics and amazing water beads lamp (jelly fish)
You can't really tell from the picture, but their is a survival blanket, lametta, on chiffon. The wall has fish projected
As I said we try to be as inclusive as possible and so have an electronic visual timetable (they zoom away as we do each element) We may be changing symbols soon as different of children are used to different symbols and no one is reliant on a particular symbol set, I have created a church visual timetable that others will be able to use if they don't have access to one. If individuals need an individual visual timetable I would arrange this with appropriate symbols. (I find the timetable invaluable)
This is part of the room with net and "sea" hanging down!
Bunting - Like sails!
A boat to create- they LOVED this and so simple
Boat biscuit decorating
Storm shakers
Tornado bottles
Storm bottles (You'll notice the cards, an idea I pinched from Dapto Messy Church - We'd been using something similar but I copied their format, thank you) It is useful for the leaders of each station to have something to think about/ prompt discussion at each stations (most of our station leaders are amazing youth and may not use the prompts but there if needed)
In Action:

The sensory room awaiting tidying!!
A whole bunch of biscuits and bottles
A boat made from giant jenga (not a planned activity, but a couple of the children ground the bricks and did this in their own!!!) Amazing!!!!
Sail bunting
Strom drawing after the story
A storm in the ocean!
A finished boat, I wish I'd taken pics of the amazing details of drawing on sides
We told the story using a parachute! (I'll put more details up tomorrow)