Friday, 15 March 2013

Under the Sea- Fishers of Men

For the second session of our Under the Sea Theme junior church series we focussed on Fishers of Men.

The play session worked very well for this session, particularly craft and play dough.

Resources to accompany the play dough were lolly pop sticks, match sticks, gems, goggly eyes, shells and drinking straws. There was no instruction to make fish, other than the first child saying what shall I make and being told "You can make anything you like, you may want to make something relating to what you think we are doing today, but it's up to you?" They looked around the room and made fish, the results were pretty amazing...

Shape punch fish, the children were provided with blue paper cut into A5,  coloured paper, shaped punches. There was an example of a made fish on the table (this is the first week I have provided example crafts, but really engaged the children)

Paper plate fish left over from last session but made available and a few children accessed, good for recapping last session.

Sock fish, these turned out lovely! 

Fish pond fishing biscuits: rich tea, blue icing, s'mores gold fish, pretzel sticks and strawberry laces (the last two items are not on this picture)

Blow up boat in a scene with fishing game. To act out the story, independently or in group time

World twister, to link to Jesus' great commission which we touched on in the group time

Habour scene, was used last session but not accessed so changed to table worked much better.

These crafts were made in response to the story/ group time
